Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hospital Stay

Sorry it has been awhile since the last update. Charlie was in the hospital for a few days due to a stomach bug. She threw up 5-6 times in the morning and just was not acting like herself so off to the ER we went. This time was so much more smooth than the first time. I felt like I knew what I was doing, the doctors and nurses knew us more and we were able to get D10 without a big fight.

Charlie was already a bit acidonic just from throwing up a bit and dehydrated. I'm glad we went and it was just 3 days which is the shortest hospital stay yet. Lets hope that she is good now and we can just remain home until her surgery in July for the gtube! I learned so much from our first hospital stay, the first time really is the hardest. We also got a lot of the same nurses as we had last time which helped not having to explain everything over again. The nurses we got were amazing too. Especially  two named Ashleigh and Tinsley who really made life a lot easier while we were there.

Nurses can make or break the stay and this was the first hospital trip where I had to leave for a bit to run home and take care of the dogs. I was a nervous wreck leaving her but each time I came back and she was sleeping comfortably. Tinsley even tucked her in and turned on a channel on the TV that played lullaby music. Very sweet when people do little things that make a big difference.

Lets hope she is doing better. She just threw up again this morning, but a morning puke session is not out of the ordinary for us, lets just hope that it stops there.

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